Unboxing #277
Here's the link to today's diamond painting: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000114406918.html
I'll be posting many more videos in the months ahead, so this is a good time to subscribe if you haven't already. 😊
Please consider supporting my channel by becoming a Patron - check out my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/RamblingRoseDP.
Do you want to support my channel in another way? Check out a terrific selection of diamond paintings and supplies at these great stores, and I will get a small commission from your purchases:
💎 *Newhomy* https://newhomy.com/collections/rrdp001?ref=ROSECOELHO&utm_source=affiliate
💎 *CraftsyArt* https://craftsyart.com/?ref=ROSECOELHO&utm_source=affiliate and use this coupon code RAMBLINGROSE for a discount on anything you buy in the store
I welcome your comments, questions and news about your projects; please leave them below or email me at RamblingRoseDP@gmail.com.
Do you want a birthday or other special milestone shout-out on my channel? I will be doing shout-outs from time to time. Send me an email at RRDPbirthdays@gmail.com with the name, birthday or other special milestone, and any other information you want me to copy and paste into a scroll. Just limit the message to no more than 140 characters! Please note: I reserve the right to decline any request that I deem inappropriate.
Don't forget to check out these popular videos if you missed them:
➡️ Diamond Painting Accessories Hauls from IKEA & Michael's (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQr-ATR3Apo)
➡️ How to Diamond Paint in Small Spaces & Avoid Pain (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-df13JUuC4w)
➡️ How to Apply for AliExpress Freebies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IPNNliekPw&lc=z22vi3hpywmxzna3sacdp435qbnavqfrqrsv4w3ifapw03c010c
➡️ My Diamond Painting Organizing Systems: Fails and Wins (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDmBYne_2Po)
➡️ How to Make a FREE Multi-Boat Holder for Diamond Painting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMHD3TpdiZU)
Happy 💎 Painting!!
Rose 🌹